Statement of faith


Jesus Christ is the Son of God, He is God Himself, who came in a human-like body, demonstrated by His life and ministry God’s calling and purpose, and by His sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection, He obtained complete salvation for all who receive Him in faith. Jesus Christ alone is the way, the grace, the truth, and the life, there is no other way to reach God but through Him. He is our Lord, to Him belongs all power in Heaven, on Earth, and in the underworld.


God is the eternal Creator, the Almighty. He exists in three persons at the same time, working in perfect unity: the loving Heavenly Father (the Father who loved the world so much that He sent His only begotten Son), the Son (Jesus Christ, who demonstrated His grace by dying for us on the Cross) and the Holy Spirit (who anointed Jesus without measure during his earthly life and ministry and raised Him from the dead, then poured out on all flesh at Pentecost, and is in communion with all born-again believers, carrying and sharing with us the nature of God). 

God is only good, true, and holy, and there is nothing wrong, dubious or evil in Him. He himself is love.


The Holy Scripture (66 books) is the Word of God, His infallible revelation, every part of which is inspired by God, from which no one can take or add. The Word of God is the source and standard of all revelation.


A covenant with the sons of Israel, the Jewish people, that presents to the New Covenant believers the shadow of the real things. The typographic unit in the Bible named Old Testament shows us the past covenants (Adam, Noah, Abraham, Sinai /the Law/, David), the history of the ancestors of our faith as well as the sons of Israel, it teaches us important spiritual truths (e.g. it reveals the nature of God’s enemy), moral standards, and great examples. Above all, however, the entire Old Testament, the books of Moses, the prophets, and the psalms all speak of Jesus Christ as the Messiah (the Christ) in a veiled, prophetic, mysterious form.

NEW TESTAMENT (the New Covenant of Grace)

The perfect eternal covenant made by the blood of Jesus Christ with all who believe in Him and accept Him as their Saviour. It is the covenant of God’s grace and righteousness that began with the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It reigns the age of salvation that coincides with the age of the Church and the age of the Holy Spirit. This New Covenant of Grace is the covenant governing us today.


All humans were created in the image of God, as man and woman, to live a full, happy, satisfied life in fellowship with God and with one another. However, after the fall, man was separated from God. Since then, every human being has suffered the consequences of sin, being born into mortality. Because of the rule of sin, we are helpless on our own and cannot redeem ourselves from this hopeless, mortal, fallen state. Only through the atoning sacrifice and saving work of Jesus Christ can all people be reconciled to God and receive forgiveness, righteousness, and a new, satisfied, abundant, and eternal life.


Jesus Christ has purchased salvation and redemption on the Cross for all who turn to Him and accept it by faith. A divine exchange was finished on the Cross: Jesus took upon Himself our fallen state, taking over our sins, iniquities, sicknesses, diseases, and the just punishment for our sins, that was death, and separation from God, so that we can go free and step into His place of glory. Salvation includes the forgiveness of our sins, being declared righteous with God, receiving eternal and abundant life of divine origin and nature, and the access to a blessed and full life here on earth with complete wholeness, healing, deliverance, peace, joy, prosperity, protection and victory. Salvation is not based on our merits, not on our deeds, but it happens only by faith, by the grace of God. All who accept Jesus, are new creations in Christ, made righteous, free, and accepted as His beloved children, heirs of all of His blessings and promises, and fit for all the good works.


Those who believe and accept the salvation of the Cross receiving Jesus Christ by confessing Him as Lord and Saviour, are born again into a new life and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Being baptised (immersed in water in His name) is part of the wholeness of being born again and the public confession of our faith.

Being filled with the Holy Spirit and living a life in unity with Him results in a more intense communion with the Lord, a life lived in power and authority. (Getting baptised in the Holy Spirit is often accompanied by the sign of speaking in tongues, prophesying, and the manifestation of His further spiritual gifts).


Is the third person of God, the Spirit of Christ, our Comforter and Helper, who lives in every born-again believer being united with their spirit as one. The Holy Spirit demonstrates and manifests the supernatural, miracle working power and nature of God, works on our character development (bearing the fruit of the Spirit), reminds us of our righteousness, and distributes the spiritual gifts of grace (charisma). The Holy Spirit points to and glorifies Jesus Christ with all His being, nature, and work.


The pillars of our church life are 1) apostolic teaching (the words of Jesus Christ), 2) the fellowship of the brethren with one another, 3) all forms and kinds of prayer (including thanksgiving, praise, worship, praying in tongues or faith confessions) and 4) the Lord’s Supper (partaking of the body and blood of our Lord Jesus and its blessings by breaking bread and receiving wine). The Church is the body of Christ, of which He is the head, and in which His wholeness is expressed. On a universal level, all believers in Christ and the local communities are included in His church. The local church is God’s new covenant plan, a living organic organization with its own necessary church order (mechanisms of authority, operations, responsibilities, and functions). There are differences between the church ministries, services, God’s callings, the authorities, the spiritual gifts, and the ministry gifts, but these are not different in value (all are equally valuable). The unity and the harmonious cooperation within the congregation are based on love, Christ-centered faith, honor, obedience, and respect for each other.


A set of biblical prophecies and biblical statements about the end of human history outline a sort of agenda for the end times. According to this, the age of the church ends with the second return of Jesus, when those who believe in Christ will be raptured and changed into glory in the blink of an eye and will be with the Lord forever. Following this, a “great tribulation” comes on Earth that begins with the open and unlimited manifestation of the spirit of the Antichrist that had hitherto worked only behind the scenes. In the turbulent geopolitical, economic, and ideological processes that will take place in the empire of the Antichrist, the nation of Israel will play a key role in recognizing the Messiah in Jesus. At the end of the “great tribulation,” Jesus Christ, together with His saints, will return to Earth to overcome evil to set the age of the millennial kingdom, the golden age of human history, in which peace, wholeness, and complete prosperity await humanity. At the end of the millennial golden age, human history is closed by the final judgment, in which those who did not believe in Christ will give an account of what they did in their life. In the final judgment, the whole realm of Satan, death, hell, and ungodliness will be cast into eternal damnation (the lake of fire). Then, according to God’s promise, He will create a new heaven and a new earth, and Jesus Christ will hand over dominion to the Father.


We believe that Jesus Christ is the center of everything, the whole created world as well as the Church. Everywhere where He is recognized, lifted up in the center, He draws everything to Himself, and in Him everything and everyone takes their right place, finding purpose, restoration, healing, abundant and eternal life.